EVAH-PIECO posted by (C)cyber
今回ご紹介する「HARMONIA VITAE(ハルモニア ビーテ)」は、HEW178のような水ではありませんが、これまで【HEW178】シリーズでご紹介していますので、タイトルを「【HEW178】HARMONIA VITAE」とさせていただきました。
HARMONIA VITAE(ハルモニア ビーテ、ペンダントトップ) 日本製2010 MIYAZAKI発
HARMONIA VITAE(ペンダントトップ)は、素材である純チタンに超高波動(1078HZ)を有する原子核の集合体を封入し、宇宙で最も高い波動エネルギ-に変換した「神秘」のパワ-を発振する『真』エネルギ-物質で、『悟り』の波動でもあります。
HARMONIA VITAEはネガティブなフォ-スの波動が全くありませんから無害です。
☆HARMONIA VITAEは半永久的にパワ-を発振します。
☆HARMONIA VITAEは有害電磁波・有害放射線をフォ-スからパワ-へと変換する他に類を見ない画期的製品です。
製造元 高次元エネルギ-研究所
S・E・Sコ-ポレ-ション The Space Energy of Science
このテストによる結果は、発行所「三五館」“パワ-かフォ-スか“ デビッド・R・ホ-キンズ著で参照してください。
参考資料「波動の法則」足立 育朗 著
「高次元科学」関 英男 著 他
注)HARMONIA VITAE<ラテン語>・・・(生命の調和)
The Energy “SHIN(Truth)”
Products of Miyazaki, Japan, 2010
The Pendant, HARMONIA VITAE, has the highest wave energy in the universe, which oscillates the "true" energy – is also a wave of "enlightenment"- that has been realized by encapsulating a collection of nuclei of ultra-high waves (1078HZ) inside of the basic material, titanium.
It is simultaneously accompanied by threefold consciousness, “emerging consciousness”, “subconscious” and “nature(consciousness and intention)” and produces the vibration waves at the same time. Thus, it brings harmony by making resonance or turned to human body, or all animals and plants as well as minerals.
Furthermore, it can repair and erase harmful electromagnetic wave and radiation which are invisible and said to be one of the most dangerous elements for all life. In fact, when this pendant “HARMONIA VITAE” touches around the thymus, it is possible to protect yourself from harmful electromagnetic waves of all radioactive material and improves immune system. The pendant “HARMONIA VITAE” is totally harmless because of having no wave of negative force.
The pendant “HARMONIA VITAE” can instantly convert, with a light touch, any negative force of the materials, a glass of water, a bottle of whiskey or wine or whatever, into a positive energy of power. For instance, with an effect of this pendant, taste of coffee and cigarettes become mild, sour juice becomes sweet. Many said that with this pendant you can have a better sleep. And most people testify that they feel power soon after they have worn the pendants.
In addition, it has also been reported to have instantly healed the coagulation shoulders relaxed, back pain, irregular heartbeat, feeling asthma, cure of atopy, and many other pain by putting the pendant on the spot of hurt. We are still receiving many other positive reports, but, we omit them here.
☆HARMONIA VITAE emits power permanently.
☆HARMONIA VITAE converts harmful electromagnetic radiation and harmful radiation into a positive power. It is nothing but an unprecedented breakthrough product.
Maker: Higher-dimensional energy Research Center, S.E.S. Corporation
The Space Energy of Science
All tests based on the above description are proven by "Chinesiology - Muscle testing". You can refer to the book “Power or Force” written by David R Hawkins, published by Sango-kan, for these results of testing.
Reference: “Law of Wave” by Ikuo Adachi, “Higher Dimensional Science” by Hideo Seki
* Energy is the "ability to do work efficiently" the Grand Contemporary Encyclopedia.